Blog post #1a

The Critical Eye: Introduction

In the first section of the book, Rexer questions the nature of photographs and photography in modern world. I agree with his idea that photography can be divided into fine art, commercial and vernacular domains, and that "art is a small island in an ocean of images".

Now, with the help of technology, photography has become so popular as a medium that it is accessible to almost everyone. I guess in this modern world, every one of us is a photographer. Many people may disagree with me, but I believe every picture we take daily serves as a means for self expression (whether it is a carefully edited portrait uploaded on Instagram, or a simple fun selfie), and art, to me, is a form of self expression.

Another idea that I find interesting is the fact that "photographs need words in order to be understood, appreciated, and shared." This may be true for some, but not all photographs in my opinion. Take the first photo in the book, "Tree #1" by Myoung Ho Lee, as an example. By making a series of photos of such trees with a background cloth, he clearly succeeded in showing the fragility and beauty of nature to viewers, without any captions.


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