Blog post #2a

"As photographs have become easier to make, faster to process, and easier to transmit, the importance of their existence as objects has diminished. 

As a film photo enthusiast, I really feel this way after I started switching from digital to analog. Like most people, I picked up my photography hobby with a digital camera (I still remember it was a Nikon D70s). Due to its convenience, the process of taking photos was quick and easy. I was able to develop my interest in photography and learn quickly how cameras work (apertures, shutter speeds, etc.).

After a year, I started to get bored of my lens and wanted to get a new one. I picked up a film camera lens because I did not have enough money for a modern digital lens (luckily lol) and slowly started stepping in the world of analog. Initially, the limitation of only 24 - 36 frames per roll and the fact that I cannot view my photo after shooting were ridiculous to me. However, after a while, I realized it was due to this limitation that I valued and cared more about each picture that I take. Thus, my photos turned out to be better and my skills got improved. And also, when traveling, I get to enjoy every moment better because instead of taking hundreds of picture and then delete most of them, I take just a few with careful calculation, and have the rest of my time to enjoy everything outside of the camera screen.


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